Multi-Age Program

Multi-age Program
Our multi-age class provides a flexible and unique preschool option which incorporates aspects of both the 3s and 4s programs. Students enrolled as 3 year olds attend sessions on Tue. and Thu. Students enrolled as 4 year olds attend sessions on Mon., Tue., and Wed., with the option to attend an additional session on Thu. Mondays and Wednesdays will focus on topics and activities more appropriate for older preschoolers. Families with more than one child in preschool often like this option because it consolidates their schedules, while others choose this option based on the benefits of peer learning. The multi-age class provides an environment where not all children are the same age, allowing some to emerge as leaders and role models for others – a mutually beneficial situation. Multi-age grouping is similar to neighborhood or family environments in which children learn diverse social skills such as cooperation, collaboration, interactive play, leadership development, and positive self-esteem. 

AM Multi-age program-- M/Tu/W/Th from 8:15 to 11am
4/5s: M/Tu/W/Th $290/month

4s: M/Tu/W $220/month 

3s: Tu/Th $155/month


Weekly themes

Each program consists of its own weekly theme, so that your child has something new to anticipate with each coming week.


Hands-on activities

Our activities are designed to keep your child engaged, whether it’s learning how to write the letter of the week or memorizing a song about the seasons.


Our Philosophy

Learning is a natural and ongoing phenomenon, which emerges as we interact with and respond to our environment. As young children play, they develop strategies and form relationships that enable them to create a world that makes sense.

4/5s: M/Tu/W/Th $290/month

4s: M/Tu/W $220/month 

3s: Tu/Th $155/month


4 Year Old Program


Two's Playgroup