Executive Board Members
Director - Claire Baushke director@chelseacoop.org
President - Nicole Allen president@chelseacoop.org
Vice President - Rebecca Kaltz vicepresident@chelseacoop.org
Membership Chair -Katie Kolokithas membership@chelseacoop.org
Treasurer - Angela Krawiec treasurer@chelseacoop.org
Assistant Treasurer - Bethany Grondin assistanttreasurer@chelseacoop.org
Bookkeeping - Felicia Mann bookkeeper@chelseacoop.org
Secretary - Ariel Wilson secretary@chelseacoop.org
Ways & Means - Laura Koch & Amanda Frazier waysandmeans@chelseacoop.org
Publicity - Jessica Daniels publicity@chelseacoop.org
Cardinals Representative - Katherine Lixey cardinalsrep@chelseacoop.org
Bluebirds Representative - Sarah Munoz bluebirdsrep@chelseacoop.org
Goldfinches Representative - Brittany Miller goldfinchesrep@chelseacoop.org
Board Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of every month. All Co-op members are welcomed to attend.